This podcast gives you bitesize advice and guidance on internal communication and leadership credibility. Each episode is less than 15 minutes to help you get access to support for your employee engagement strategy, your internal comms and your leadership development. Jenni Field is an expert in leadership credibility and internal communication. Author of Influential Internal Communication, and Nobody Believes You - Become a Leader People Will Follow, her work as an international speaker and coach, helps leaders and their organisations become more efficient and more engaging. After spending 13 years working inside organisations as Head of Internal Communications and Communications Director, Jenni set up the consultancy Redefining Communications to help organisations and teams use communication to go from chaos to calm. Since 2017 Jenni has published two books, hosted two popular podcasts that discuss leadership, communication and wellbeing and conducted research into communication with deskless workers, the role of line managers and why we follow some leaders and not others. In 2020 she was the President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, and she holds qualifications and accreditations in internal communication, company directorship and facilitation. She is an impressive speaker, inspiring leader and is globally recognised in the communication industry as a force for change in the way leaders and organisations as a whole communicate with their teams. How to connect with Jenni: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifield/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifield/ Mailing list: https://redefiningcomms.com/join-our-community/

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Chaos to calm: Why we need unity in our leadership teams S3 E3
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Welcome to episode three in which Jenni will be talking to you about leadership in a team. When we talk about leadership it’s often done talking about individuals. The one person to the many. But more and more leadership is about a team. Or it’s about a group of leaders through a hierarchy – from line manager upwards – that need to be united.
Jenni shares the signs of chaos that can manifest in leadership teams to help you identify these within your own experience, and how to move from chaos to calm. She discusses how to ensure the direction of travel is clear, plus five ways to improve how you lead as a team.
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Chaos to Calm podcast S1 E2 Leadership behaviours
Chaos to Calm podcast S2 E3 Team friction
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
Podcast: Calm Edged Rebels: How to be heard with productive disagreement S4 E2

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Chaos to calm: The importance of being a learning organisation S3 E2
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Jenni looks at what it means to be a learning organisation. She discusses the evolutionary mindset needed by the leadership team and the things to consider if you want to make some changes both in your mindset or in your organisational culture. She also shares eight ways to grow an evolutionary mindset.
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field
The Fish Rots from the Head by Bob Garratt
The Fearless Organization - Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth by Amy C Edmundson
Implications of complexity and chaos theories for organizations that learn

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Chaos to calm: Why we need to focus on employee alignment. S3 E1
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Welcome to season three of the Redefining Communications with Jenni Field podcast!
In episode one, Jenni talks about employee alignment, having spent some time researching and discussing whether employee engagement has been a distraction for organisations and leaders – and whether we should be focusing on employee alignment instead. As always, Jenni wants to get to the root of what’s causing issues so that organisations can thrive.
Jenni shares the differences between employee engagement, internal communication and employee alignment. Why a lack of clarity can create chaos and what you need to do to make sure you aren’t focusing on the wrong things for you and your team.
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Blog: Is employee engagement the great distraction for internal communication teams?
Podcast: Chaos to calm: Employee engagement, employee experience and internal communication S1 E8
The Field ModelTM

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Redefining Communications With Jenni Field - Season 3 Trailer
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Chaos to calm: Influence and persuasion. S2 E10
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Influence and persuasion are important no matter what role you’re in. In this episode, Jenni explores some of the theories about influence and persuasion, and the potential links to chaos. She also shares five things to consider when it comes to influence, as well as the risk of cross over into manipulation.
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Comms community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Here are links to the resources mentioned in this episode:
Books recommended by Jenni Field
You are not so smart: Why your memory is mostly fiction, why you have too many friends on Facebook and 46 other ways you’re deluding yourself by David McRaney
The Social Dilemma on Netflix
Robert Cialdini
Podcast S2 E7: Building trust and credibility
Podcast S2 E5: How to listen to employees

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Chaos to calm - Communicating change. S2 E9
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Around 70% of change programmes fail. Often this failure is linked to employee resistance, poor management, and poor communication. If we know that so many fail due to, in part, poor communication, why is bringing in communication professionals still left until the last minute?
In this episode, Jenni talks broadly about communicating change inside organisations: why it goes wrong, three factors critical to success, and the "six concerns of change" for you to consider after listening. She also shares a quick-win approach, plus resources for further listening/reading.
To keep the conversation going, connect with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter; ask questions and share your thinking!
Chaos to calm podcast S1 E7 The Field Model™
Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field
Blog: The science of fear
Blog: Why employee engagement needs to be more than just campaigns and rewards
Addressing the 6 Staff Concerns of Organisational Change

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Chaos to calm - Accountability. S2 E8
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Why do we need accountability and why is it so hard?
In this episode, Jenni looks at how accountability can cause chaos, its impact on trust, and the reasons behind it being critical to employee engagement. She also suggests ways to improve accountability, for you and others, and strengthen the link to organisational culture.
To keep the conversation going, connect with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter; ask questions and share your thinking!
Throughout the episode, Jenni shares a host of helpful resources:
Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me) by Carol Tavis and Elliot Aronson
Blog: How RASCI can help you gain clarity and calm
How to be heard with productive disagreement podcast by Calm Edged Rebels
The positive practice of productive disagreement blog by Calm Edged Rebels
Brené Brown podcast: Unlocking Us
I’m Sorry: How to Apologize and Why It Matters, Part 1 of 2
I’m Sorry: How to Apologize and Why It Matters, Part 2 of 2
Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
Frey admits lying; Oprah apologizes to viewers

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Chaos to calm: Trust and credibility. S2 E7
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
What is trust? What is credibility? Are they the same? Can you have one without the other?
Jenni provides in-depth answers during this episode, reveals why we listen to some people more than others, and shares three core things to consider when it comes to building trust.
To keep the conversation going, connect with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter; ask questions and share your thinking!
Redefining Comms podcast Chaos to calm: Leading remotely S2 E1
Redefining Comms podcast Chaos to calm: Fear and trust S1 E5
Messengers: 8 Ways to Get Heard by Stephen Martin and Joseph Marks

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Chaos to calm: Managing stakeholders. S2 E6
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Who are your stakeholders? Why do you need to manage them? What happens if you don’t?
In this episode Jenni explains the risks in not mapping all interested parties, gives you four key questions to help identify who they are, and talks through tools to model different groups critical to your success.
Blog: How RASCI can help you gain clarity and calm by Redefining Comms
Blog: How to manage stakeholders by Redefining Comms
RASCI featured in Redefining Comms podcast Chaos to calm: Organisational growth S1 E10
You can continue the conversation with Jenni on Twitter and LinkedIn

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Chaos to calm: How to listen. S2 E5
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Change over the decades has seen internal communication shift from being top down to more circular, from being broadcast to conversations. But for that to work we need to create spaces for conversations, and we must listen to people – really listen.
In this episode, Jenni lifts the lid on the chaos that comes from not listening, the risks of listening too much to the wrong people, and shares five things to do differently to create calm when listening to employees.
You can continue the conversation with Jenni on Twitter and LinkedIn
Leaders are responsible for psychological safety podcast by the Calm Edged Rebels
Blog: Psychological safety and trust are not the same thing by Redefining Communications
Deep Listening: impact beyond words by Oscar Trimboli
Poles Apart: Why People Turn Against Each Other, and How to Bring Them Together by Alison Goldsworthy, Laura Osborne & Alexandra Chesterfield
Blog: How to avoid team friction – from poles apart to pulling together by Redefining Communications
Do words really matter? By Beth Collier via LinkedIn
Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, and Why by Stephen Martin & Joseph Marks
Influential Internal Communication: Streamline Your Corporate Communication to Drive Efficiency and Engagement by Jenni Field