This podcast gives you bitesize advice and guidance on internal communication and leadership credibility. Each episode is less than 15 minutes to help you get access to support for your employee engagement strategy, your internal comms and your leadership development. Jenni Field is an expert in leadership credibility and internal communication. Author of Influential Internal Communication, and Nobody Believes You - Become a Leader People Will Follow, her work as an international speaker and coach, helps leaders and their organisations become more efficient and more engaging. After spending 13 years working inside organisations as Head of Internal Communications and Communications Director, Jenni set up the consultancy Redefining Communications to help organisations and teams use communication to go from chaos to calm. Since 2017 Jenni has published two books, hosted two popular podcasts that discuss leadership, communication and wellbeing and conducted research into communication with deskless workers, the role of line managers and why we follow some leaders and not others. In 2020 she was the President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, and she holds qualifications and accreditations in internal communication, company directorship and facilitation. She is an impressive speaker, inspiring leader and is globally recognised in the communication industry as a force for change in the way leaders and organisations as a whole communicate with their teams. How to connect with Jenni: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifield/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifield/ Mailing list: https://redefiningcomms.com/join-our-community/

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Nobody Believes You: Season 5 Trailer
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Welcome back to the Redefining Communications podcast with Jenni Field!
Season Five is going to focus on leadership, specifically credible leadership. We've spent some time researching to find out what it is that makes a leader credible, and through our research, we discovered eight practices to become a credible leader, which we will be exploring throughout this season.
Each episode will deep dive into one of these practices, discussing the chaos that can happen when credibility is missing and also offer practical advice on how you can build that practice to become a leader people will follow.
So, sit back and relax or enjoy the walk, or however you are listening - we hope you enjoy this season with us!
Episode Timestamps:
- 00:11 - Focus on Credible Leadership
- 00:32 - Research and Eight Practices
- 00:53 - Episode Breakdown and Schedule
- 01:26 - Final Thoughts and Community Invitation
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn, Instagram and X(Twitter).
Important Links & Mentions:

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Chaos to calm: Bonus episode – Remotely Interested? research S4
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
We had to include a bonus episode for us to share with you our brand-new research into deskless workers called Remotely Interested?
Listen as Jenni shares why we did it, what we did, and what the results are telling us, so you can look at how you can shift from chaos to calm with frontline or deskless workers in your organisation.
If you are listening before the 3 October 2023, you can join our webinar where Jenni and Benjamin will be celebrating the launch of the findings. Click on the 2023 link below!
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions, and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
2019 landing page: Remotely interested? 2019 - Redefining Communications
2023 landing page: Remotely Interested? 2023 - Redefining Communications
Get in touch with the Social Optic team through SocialOptic

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
In this final episode, Jenni talks to Sarah Black, global communications consultant, about the factors to consider when communicating within an international culture. Sarah talks about the challenges of working across different cultures, miscommunication when it comes to corporate values, and leadership expectations. As well as how small things can cause discontent, a lack of connection, and why people might even come across as rude when that’s completely unintended.
They share tips and tools to help unpack where you are and where you come from, and really delve into how to think around the environment you are in.
Global teams can be tricky to engage with so working with Sarah to help people think differently about building strong teams around the world is brilliant when you’re looking at intentionally changing culture. In her latest blog, Sarah shares her tips which include the need to get curious and how to be time zone sensitive. Sarah's blog - Redefining Communication
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions, and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Don’t Shoot the Messenger Podcast - Vicki Marinker Season 2, Episode 6 with Jenni Field on How to build a cohesive and diverse culture that’s fit for purpose.
World Time Buddy : a practical tool for looking at time zones for global meetings.
Cultural Intelligence Center: lots of free resources and info about how you can develop your ability to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations.
The Culture Map by Erin Meyer - book and website
Americans Are Fake and the Dutch Are Rude! By Batja Mesquita, The Behavioral Scientist
How cultural differences can impact global teams, Harvard Business Review, 2021
Leading with cultural intelligence - David Livermore
Get in touch with Sarah here on LinkedIn or through their website www.athrucommunications.com

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Chaos to calm: How to manage difficult conversations with Louisa Clarke S4 E9
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
In this penultimate episode of season four, Jenni is joined by Louisa Clarke who is a specialist on how to manage difficult conversations. Are you a confrontation avoider? Louisa talks about moving away from the concept that having a difficult conversation involves being aggressive and bolshy. Louisa and Jenni discuss tips and tricks to help difficult conversations end up in a nicer place that cuts through the power dynamic. They talk about why having difficult conversations, setting boundaries, and setting expectations is our path to freedom, enabling things to run more smoothly. And how to do it in a way that’s warm and packed with values and integrity.
Having difficult conversations at work is something many leaders and managers struggle with. It’s such a big topic for some of our clients so chatting to Louisa about the chaos it can bring and how we can help people bring calm was a useful discussion for those struggling with it. You’ll find some of Louisa’s latest thinking in her latest blog where she shares tips for navigating some of those tricky issues at work. Louisa's blog - Redefining Communication
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Calm Edged Rebels podcast, Season 2, episode 3 - How to say no: creating balance and boundaries
How to have a difficult conversation blog by Jenni Field
Get in touch with Louisa through their website here www.confidentlythere.com or via LinkedIn

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Chaos to calm: Why every leader needs a coach with Jo Twiselton S4 E8
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
There might be several items addressed in this episode with change communication consultant and leadership coach, Jo Twiselton, that will make you think, “Huh, that’s me!” Jo and Jenni talk about why every leader needs a coach to help guide them through this ever-changing world.
Leaders are human too and you need to look after yourself first and foremost. Jo reveals some great tips that you can put into practice.
As an executive coach, Jo is often working with the team to facilitate conversations and advise on change programmes. Jo has worked with several of our clients helping them through change and in her latest blog for us she shared some of the reasons why and how coaching can help leaders as they navigate through organisational change. Jo's Blog - Redefining Communication
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions, and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Comms Reboot - the communication unconference by Redefining Communications
Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ book by Daniel Goleman
Leadership Coaching: From Personal Insight to Organisational Performance book by Graham Lee
Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It book by James Kouzes and Barry Posner
Get in touch with Jo here LinkedIn

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Chaos to calm: Managing reputation and risk with Eva Maclaine S4 E7
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Join Jenni as she talks to communications strategist, Eva Maclaine, about managing reputation and the risks involved. In a world where technology and social media can highlight anything, whether it’s true or not, maintaining a good reputation is high on leaders’ priorities. They discuss how working with integrity and mindfulness is key when navigating your way through managing your reputation.
Eva joined the collective team in 2022 as we found clients needed a little advice on reputation management and the role of employees. Eva’s expertise here means she is perfectly positioned to help leadership teams and communication teams consider the ethical and reputational impact of decisions.
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Eva blog - Crises, chaos and calm - Maintaining untarnished reputations
Bell Pottinger case study | PRCA
Government shuns CBI lobby giant after rape claim - BBC News
Get in touch with Eva through LinkedIn

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Chaos to calm: Finding calm within your communications team with Katie Marlow S4 E6
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
In this episode, Jenni is joined by Katie Marlow, an expert in internal communications and many other things! They touch on the importance of the internal communications role when organisations feel chaotic, have too many priorities, or poor communication. Katie offers advice on how to reduce the chaos and find your calm.
Katie has been part of the collective team since the business started and has worked as retained support for clients for a number of years, helping them review and reshape their communication strategy. Katie also gets involved in our internal events and you find out more about the work we do here in this case study Setting our direction - a virtual event for LifeArc
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
'Leaders now value internal comms' - CIPR Inside report
Resources (cipr.co.uk) click on CEO RESEARCH REPORT for the ‘Making it count’ report
Avoiding the hurry habit: comms and leadership trends 2023 blog by Jenni Field
A model for internal communication strategy and planning blog by Jenni Field
Get in touch with Katie Marlow here LinkedIn

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Have you ever wondered where the responsibility for mental resilience lies in your organisation?
Join John Humphreys, who has 25 years’ experience in the British Army, and Jenni as they discuss how to recognise the chaos that occurs when resilience levels are low, plus learn six great tips to build resilience in your team.
Mental resilience is a topic that comes up often for communicators and organisations. John has worked with Jenni to develop and deliver workshops to communication teams and global organisations to help them explore how they can build resilience. John also works with the team to help clients with any learning and development plans to make sure learning outcomes are clear and the activities will achieve them. With one of our most-read blogs on our website, here you can read more about mental resilience What is Mental Resilience?
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Comms Reboot - the communication unconference by Redefining Communications
Season 7, Episode 2 podcast Take control of your life - Calm Edged Rebels
Get in touch with John via our Get in touch - Redefining Communications
What is Mental Resilience? blog by John Humphreys

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Everyone seems to be focusing on employee experience (EX) rather than employee engagement these days. It’s important to understand why people are job hopping and how to retain your top talent. In this episode employee experience strategist, Lucy Kemp, talks to Jenni about the employee experience and why it’s vital that you understand how important the line managers’ role is in translating your external brand into an authentic employee experience. They discuss why we need to give line managers the tools to develop their team and improve EX, as well as the importance of knowing what your people really want, and leadership buy-in.
Lucy supports The Field Model and project work for us, working with clients to help them get to the root cause of chaos and facilitating workshops to find out what they need to help them move forwards. Lucy has supported communication teams find the right technology for their organisations, conducted focus groups and 1:1 interviews and she has played a key role in our research projects. You can find some of her latest thinking on the importance of the employee experience here Creating a high-performance organisation with positive EX
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Line of Sight report by Redefining Communications
Remotely interested? 2019 Report by Redefining Communications and SocialOptic
The Field Model for internal communication Redefining Communications
Get in touch with Lucy via LinkedIn

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Chaos to calm: Using data to make decisions with Benjamin Ellis S4 E3
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
In this episode, Jenni talks to Benjamin Ellis from SocialOptic, one of our collective partners. He talks through how collecting the right type of data about your organisation and employees will help you to plug-in and find the answers you need. It’s all about measuring to take action.
Benjamin shares some great tips to help reduce the chaos and move towards calm through gathering and understanding the right data.
Benjamin has worked with us on our research projects around line managers and deskless workers. Our Remotely Interested 2023 research report is due out in September 2023 and Social Optic are our data partners for the survey. They also work with us on some legacy client projects that are digital/technically strategic, and you’ll find Benjamin talking about culture and measurement on our blog Measuring culture in organisations
Thank you for listening!
Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field
Get in touch with Benjamin through SocialOptic or on Twitter under @benjaminellis or via LinkedIn